Visualizing Data Like a Pro: Creating Double Bar Graphs in Excel

double bar graph definition

When there is no natural ordering of the categories being compared, bars on the chart may be arranged in any order. Bar charts arranged from highest to lowest incidence are called Pareto charts. Labels are the names of the different categories and parameters in a horizontal bar chart. In a class, 10 students play basketball, 15 students play football, and 5 students play tennis. The scale of a bar graph describes the relation between the unit length of the bar and the quantity it represents. The scale makes it easier to measure or quantify the given data.

What is the definition of a graph?

: a diagram (such as a series of one or more points, lines, line segments, curves, or areas) that represents the variation of a variable in comparison with that of one or more other variables. 2. : the collection of all points whose coordinates satisfy a given relation (such as a function)


Double bar graphs have certain limitations despite their potential as an effective data visualization tool. Pictographs are visually appealing graphs that are best used with data that can be represented with symbols. It’s quite easy to read and can handle a large set of data well. The bars display the number of items under particular categories. Extending from the right is price by volume, a type of horizontal bar graph which shows volume dispersion based on price.

Why are Double Bar Graphs Useful?

Double bar graphs can be used in reports or presentations and are simple to distribute. They are, therefore, a fantastic option for exchanging data with colleagues and clients. You’re able to quickly tell the range, minimum/maximum, as well as if there are any gaps or clusters. This also means that it can easily observe changes over a certain period of time. When drawing them, you’re able to use exact values from your data.

You’re often creating a bar chart to prove a point or better understand a situation. So why not make it easy for you and your peers to interpret it? Below, we outline several best practices for ensuring your message gets across. Bar charts have some very close cousins, including histograms, line charts, and pie charts. What does the gap between the bar of one category and the bar of another tell you? Is it simply that one category has a higher value than the other, or could there be another, more nuanced meaning?

  1. Bar charts have some very close cousins, including histograms, line charts, and pie charts.
  2. The order in which you plot your bars can make a big difference in how people understand your bar chart.
  3. If you are working with data that use whole percentages, circle graphs will be perfect for you.
  4. Various types of bar graphs can precisely represent data visually.
  5. Another name for the double bar graph is a grouped bar graph or a dual-axis graph.
  6. Just like in the sub-divided bar diagram, in the percentage bar diagram, different components can be differentiated by different shades or colours.

Alternatively, Stacked bar charts (also known as Composite bar charts) stack bars on top of each other so that the height of the resulting stack shows the combined result. Unlike a grouped bar chart where each factor is displayed next to another, each with their own bar, the stacked bar chart displays multiple data points stacked in a single row or column. This may, for instance, take the form of uniform height bars charting a time series with internal stacked colours indicating the percentage participation of a sub-type of data. Another example would be a time series displaying total numbers, with internal colors indicating participation in the total by sub-types.

Difference between Double Bar Graphs and Line Graphs

The categories on a segmented bar chart would be communication preference, such as text, email, and phone. Each category’s bar would represent 100% but would be split depending on the percentage of new and old customers that prefer each communication style. Additionally, new and old customers would be denoted by color double bar graph definition for clarity. Each data component is expressed as a percentage of the corresponding total. Just like in the sub-divided bar diagram, in the percentage bar diagram, different components can be differentiated by different shades or colours.

The yellow color bars indicate each of the five students’ Math marks, while the blue color bars reflect each of the five students’ English marks. In this graph, the categories are the students, and the parameters are the subjects of English and Maths. Data representation gives a clear idea of what the information means by giving it visual context through graphs. A bar chart could help you visualize how wide the differences are in customer preferences.

  1. In other cases, values might be represented as percentages or years.
  2. A double bar graph in Excel is a data visualization tool that presents and compares two sets of data side by side using a series of vertical bars.
  3. In this graph, the categories are the students, and the parameters are the subjects of English and Maths.
  4. And the blue bars represent the number of students pertaining to each category or season.
  5. A Marimekko chart is essentially a square or rectangle that has been split into a stacked bar chart in two sequential directions.
  6. It also makes it challenging to identify the delays in activities.

For example, you can compare rainfall and sunshine in different cities. These are sideways bar graphs whose bars are drawn horizontally. A different kind of graph must be utilized if there are more than two sets of data to compare.

Based on the bar graph below, how many students passed the science exam?

When compared to a table of numerical data, using a bar diagram is easier to understand and use. A bar diagram allows anyone with basic knowledge to read the label and identify patterns and trends, but a table of numerical data requires an expert to identify trends and patterns. In this way, studying patterns and highlighting trends is made simple by the visual representation of data provided by a bar diagram.

How to draw a double bar graph?

Step 1: Determine the two groups that are being compared. Step 2: For each group, determine the categories that will be compared side-by-side and determine their values. Step 3: Construct a double bar graph, where the bar for each group is displayed side-by-side in each category.

Bar Graph Types

Interpreting a bar chart starts by understanding what’s displayed on the graph itself. When you first look at a bar chart, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the categories and values on each axis. These can measure, for example, the number of trades executed over a certain time period (such as a day) for different securities.

double bar graph definition

Grouped bar charts usually present the information in the same order in each grouping. Stacked bar charts present the information in the same sequence on each bar. A scale on the graph refers to a set of numbers that indicate intervals on a graph used for measurement.

For instance, a business would be interested in knowing how long deliveries take during peak and off-peak periods. The grouped bar diagram can be used to visually summarise the data and identify areas for improvement. The benefits of horizontal bar graphs are that the categories are easier to view when you look at the chart. These bar graphs are also easier to view on smaller devices like phones.

While histograms are similar in appearance to bar graphs, they represent data in a different way. When a bar graph has a well-defined zero point and the data set has both positive and negative values in relation to this point, both ranges of values can be displayed. Bars above the zero line typically represent positive values, while bars below the zero line typically show negative values.

What is a two bar?

: two adjacent vertical lines or a heavy single line separating principal sections of a musical composition.

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